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Clik here to view.Just in case you missed it, here are the top nonprofit news stories for the week of September 21st, 2015.
1. Ways For Thanking Volunteers
Volunteers are the lifeblood for many nonprofits. However, we can get boggled down in the “Thank You” department.
Here are some ways you give an extra special thanks to your volunteers for all the work they’ve done for you…..(Read More).
2. What Is Peer 2 Peer Fundraising & It’s Benefits For You?
Peer-to-peer fundraising also catapults your supporters and donors in your organization’s narrative; it is powerful and increasingly popular because the fundraisers become the heroes of the story.
But that’s not all it can do, here’s the real benefit when utilizing Peer 2 Peer Fundraising……(Read More).
3. Ways A Nonprofit Can Save Money On Technology
When it comes to technology, non-profits always struggle to stay ahead of the game. Typically working on aged, donated workstations and unreliable networks with old servers, staying efficient is a huge struggle.
Not anymore.
Here are some ways your nonprofit can save money and get the best technology possible…..(Read More).
4. Blog Designs That Will Engage Your Audience
Your nonprofit could have a wide variety of excellent blog content, but if your blog’s design doesn’t make a positive first impression, then few will read it.
Here are some examples of how a professional, engaging website design can look…..(Read More).
5. Creating Fun At Work
Studies have shown that a working environment that can include fun and work, creates the best atmosphere for creativity, longevity and hard working individuals.
Here are some appropriate ideas for you to transform your job into exactly that…..(Read More).